Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What kind of differences do 900 miles make?

Yesterday I went for a run in my neighborhood. I am about a mile to the lake, so I wanted to run down and check it out. During my run, not only did I realize how out of shape I am after recovering from my ankle injury despite running seven miles just three weeks ago, but I pondered several new fun facts I've learned about this city during my short stay. Here are a few of the things I can think of right now:

1. Don't ask for ketchup on your Chicago-style hot dog. They don't come with ketchup and they don't offer it... they don't even have ketchup at the stands! I am so tempted to ask for ketchup when I get one.. but won't because I have been warned.

2. I mentioned this in my last post, but when you order a gyro it is pronounced yeer-ow not jie-row. If you pronounce it as the latter, the Greeks will kick you out of their town. That's me eating the gyro I got at the Greek Fest after roller derby.

3. This city is windy. I noticed the breeze blowing against me as I ran... I partly blame my poor performance on this wind.

4. When the weather is nice on Sunday, old men in their shiny classic sports cars slowly cruise along Lakeshore Drive.

5. When you order something, you not only have the option of french fries but can get tater tots as a side!! They are delicious, I've had them twice!

6. Sloppy joes are barbecue based, not tomato based. I thought this would be good, seeing I love BBQ sauce, but it just got weird after the first half. I then focused my sole attention on the tots.

7. Vending soda machines are called "Pop Stops"... dead serious. I even took a picture of the sign at the hotel on Saturday. I was going to include it, but didn't want to take away from the awesome gyro shot.

That's all for now, I'm sure there are many more to come!

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