Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What Color Are Your Sox?

So here I am, second sleepless night in a row....

Last night I paid my bills before I went to bed and had nightmares. I don't suggest anyone do this. Tonight is more of the same stress... money. I know I saved wisely and will be able to make do, and that when I finally do get a job I will wish for these days back (I get the worry-wart gene from my mom). However, it's hard handing out checks when you have none coming in. I think most of discontent comes from the fact that for the first time since I was 14, I am not working. I enjoyed the break for about a week, but now I'm going stir crazy and spending hours in coffee shops, checking email and Facebook in order to procrastinate from job hunting.

Instead of tossing and turning in bed, thinking of all the things and people I miss back home, I decided to fight off the pangs of homesickness by taking to my blog. I would have been forced out of bed anyway, as there is now some annoying woman talking loudly on her cell phone and yelling at her dog Peyton in the backyard right outside my window. Even more reason to hate people with the name Peyton, like Peyton Manning! (How many of you are smirking and thinking how much I sound just like my dad right now?) Anyways, in an effort to make this somewhat entertaining for those of you who are still tuning in, I will share a story from today:

Walking back from the coffee shop, I was brave enough to try out wearing my Red Sox hat around town. Seeing we took three of four from the White Sox last week, knocking them further out of their division race and will probably do the same thing this weekend, I figured it might be a little risky. I managed to get home safely (I am totally making this more dramatic than it really was...), until I was about 50 feet from my house when the mailman spotted me. He, in his Bears hat, and I in my Red Sox cap, exchanged smiles and he asked me: "Girl, can't you wear a Whit Sox hat?!" and I replied that I was fresh off the plane from Boston and hadn't chosen which baseball team deserved my temporary allegiance. He laughed and begged me not to become a Cubs fan: "You look too nice to be a Cubs fan. Cubs fans are stuck up and mean. You don't look like that," he explained, justifying his urging for me to change the color of my Sox from red to white. I told him I would take his suggestion... only because I still want to receive my mail in one piece every day from here on out.

On that note, here's to looking forward to this weekend. Maybe I'll hit up the Hidden Shamrock, the owners are New Englanders, so it will be safe to yell GO RED SOX! :)

(Mom, don't worry. My safety isn't really in any danger by wearing a Red Sox hat around Chicago. I just wanted to put that out there before you express disregard on the phone, like you did with the gambling man on the El! XOXO)


  1. I just lvoe reading your posts-you are such a good writer-why don't you try a pink red sox hat? just kidding-Know you probably don't wear pink like me-I am surprised I am in your fan club. Kep writing-I loveit. Mrs. Sav

  2. Kim-I just love the pics of the zoo-can you send them to csavage@auburn.k12.ma.
