Monday, November 12, 2012

November 8-12... What I'm Thankful for This Week

Alright, time to update my Things I’m Thankful for in November list…

November 8- Today I am thankful for making new friends and BYOB sushi places two blocks from my apartment. And Advil to get me through the next day.

November 9- As much as I didn’t want to come to work today, I am thankful that I have a job to be annoyed with. I moved here with no job and lived off my savings and federal loans until I found an internship that paid $10 an hour. I’ve come a long way (at least my bank account has!) since then and I wouldn’t trade the financial lessons I learned during that time for anything. It definitely makes me appreciate my grown-up paycheck that much more.

November 10- Today I am thankful that I was able to go on a 4.6 mile run. Someday when I’m older and my knees are bad or whatever happens to my body, I won’t look back and say “I should have run more while I could” (well, I’m actively working on making sure this doesn’t happen). When I see people who struggle to walk or who are confined to a wheelchair, it makes me feel guilty for plopping my perfectly able legs on the couch after work. I wonder what they would do if they had my legs. Sometimes it’s enough to get me off the couch and to the gym.
November 11- Today I would be remiss if I did not remember how thankful I am—and how thankful we should all be— for people like my grandfathers and father who were/are brave enough to sacrifice their time and even lives for our country.

November 12- Thankful that I have awesome family and friends to come home to in just four days… some people are lucky if they can find one place to call home—I’m double-lucky that I have two places where I fit in, even though they’re separated by 1,000 miles. But only one has my adorable nephew and future New England Patriots tight end, Dominic! I can't wait to teach him all about football next Sunday when we're watching the game together!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Remembering What I'm Thankful For

Over the last week, I’ve been seeing people on Facebook posting about what they are thankful for. Guess it makes sense seeing it is November and the month of Thanksgiving. It appears that the rule is every day you are supposed to post something you are thankful for. I have felt very thankful lately due to recent events in our family and decided it might do me some good to remind myself about what I’m thankful for instead of focusing on the gloomy stuff going on right now in life.

So, I’m going to start posting what I’m thankful for (maybe not every day, maybe a couple times a week, but I will find 30 things for the 30 days). Starting now… on this blog because I hate people who over share on Facebook (which I might have been doing with all of the photos I’ve been sharing of my adorable new nephew!!).

Baby Dominic is happy to be at home.

November 1: I am thankful my sister is home from the hospital and on the mend. She is my best friend and I’m not sure what I would do without her in my life.

November 2: I am so thankful for my new nephew, Dominic John, who is healthy and happy. Can’t wait to meet you soon!

November 3: Thankful for electricity, heat and a roof over my head, and that my loved ones have the same. It’s sad how something like Superstorm Sandy has to come along in order for us to be reminded how much we take these things for granted.

November 4: I’m so thankful for my amazing father who turned 64 on this day. You’ve taught me so much, including how to stand up for myself when phone companies try to take advantage of me. And you know, all that other stuff like love, kindness, impatience and high cholesterol (kidding, love you dad!)

November 5: Thankful for awesome friends who call to check in and see how I’m doing. No matter how far away I am or how long it is in between visits, it’s like we’ve never been apart whenever we get together. I would not be the same, sane person I am without you girls.

November 6: Thankful that I live in a country where democracy is alive and well, and we’re allowed to vote for our own leaders. It’s never going to be perfect or great, but it’s nice to be reminded that we have the right to vote.

November 7: Thankful for a boss who understands how annoying and costly it is to travel home for the holidays, and one who is allowing me to work from home in Massachusetts for a couple days so I could buy the plane ticket that was $130 cheaper.

OK, now your turn. What are you thankful for? Even if you don’t post a comment about it, take a moment to think about what you appreciate in life and remember those things during the bad days.