Monday, November 9, 2009

Extra! Extra! Chicago Cubs are Sold... Kim Dunbar has the story

While I'm not quite strep throat free, with two weeks left of school there is no more time to lounge around in bed succumbed to pesky throat germs. I spent this Saturday filming for and working on two different class projects. The first project brought me to Wrigley Field, where I created a news package about the Chicago Cubs being sold to the Ricketts family (that happened about a week ago, but I pretended it was breaking news).

The second project, which I am currently working on, is about WhirlyBall. What is WhirlyBall you may ask? Well, let me explain! It is a unique sport that combines multiple ones-- basically the premise is this: Teams of 5 vs 5 battle in bumper cars while carrying a lacrosse like scoop, tossing around a whiffle ball, trying to score in a basketball hoop contraption. It's quite amusing to watch and a blast to play (so I have heard). After filming it I can't wait to actually try it! The people who work there were SO nice and helpful to me when I was trying to plan the project. They want to upload the video to their website when I am done with it! Pressure is on to make it good.. only bummer is that it was pretty dark inside and the camera I had just wasn't sophisticated enough and I had no external lights to light up the area. Hopefully I can do something in post-production to amend it a little.

Below is the finished product on the Cubs piece. It took me about 10 minutes to get the tag right... I wrote too much to remember so I talked really fast to get through it. I'll for sure get comments about that with my grade... Enjoy!! I'll be sure to share the WhirlyBall one when it is done. It's due next Wednesday (my final Wednesday class already!!) so be sure to check back if you're interested. All feedback is welcome :)

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