Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Big Mac, Little Deed

In my last post, I wrote that because the Bulls scored 100+ points at the game on Monday, everyone in attendance went home with a coupon for a free Big Mac. The catch: redeemable with a ticket stub and it must be within 48 hours.

Still on my "I'm being good to my body" healthy resolution kick (I even went running today for the first time in months), I decided eating a Big Mac would not be a wise decision. However, I was raised to never waste food and wise enough to never turn down anything free. I thought the good thing to do would be to give the signature burger to someone less fortunate.

Tonight before class, I hit up the McD's near my school as I have never been there without witnessing panhandling or people asking for food. Usually, that makes me annoyed and sometimes sad, but today I figured I would be able to oblige a request.

Well, like most things in life, Murphy's Law kicked in and it didn't go according to plan. Upon arrival, I saw just one person asking for help outside and there was no one looking for a handout inside. When I offered the burger to the old woman standing on the street, she turned it down and wanted money instead.

I was a little disappointed with her response but decided to press on and continued to walk around the long block to find someone to help. I finally stumbled upon a woman outside the 7-Eleven mumbling for help, so I asked her if she would like something to eat and she nodded. I took the burger out and started to walk away. Instead of hearing a "thank you," she said: "Excuse me, do you need that bag?" I took out my snack wrap and handed it over.

Instead of walking away feeling great about myself and like I helped someone, I felt strange. Had I picked the right person to give it to (was there someone who needed it more or appreciated it more)? Did I even do a good thing? Maybe I expected too much out of a such a small deed. Or maybe the whole point of selfless acts is that they often happen unplanned or on the spot.

Either way, I finally decided that my actions didn't cause any harm and because I didn't let the free burger go to waste, in the end I made the best decision. And I stuck to my resolution at the same time, even though I pictured myself taking a bite out of that Big Mac many times. I can only hope that the woman found it as enjoyable as I imagined it to be.

1 comment:

  1. Whaaat! I didn't know you did this (I mean, not that I have to know EVERY detail of your life...haha). I wish I had thought of the same thing because my Big Mac just went to waste. I guess we'll just have to go to another Bulls game, win more free Big Macs and try again. Hopefully, next time we can find someone a little more appreciative! - Elli
