Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I'm Back.. and Bigger and Better

So, it's been a longggg time since my last post (sorry Monika!), but a lot has been going on. Just as I had one foot out the door and on the way back to Massachusetts in February, I was offered a job in Chicago and decided to continue to be a Boston girl in the Windy City.

And I've been rewarded for remaining Chicago Hopeful. My new job has been busy yet fulfilling, and I even had the opportunity to spend nearly two weeks in Bangkok for work. I have since learned more about myself and my abilities than I even knew were there. But that's enough of that.

Through it all, it's been a little difficult keeping up with my weight-loss journey. I got stressed and burned out from counting calories so I stopped, this time for my mental health. I decided to enlist the help of a trainer in February and have since been working on my strength and toning. My hope was that my three sessions a month (in addition to the workouts I follow and do on my own) would help boost me over the plateau and catapult me back into the weight loss battle.

I've also stepped up my running. Instead of making my New Year's resolution something like "lost weight," I followed Jamie and Corey's goal of "run 500 miles in 2012." This goal--and a very mild winter--have kept me moving all year (with the exception of being sick a couple times and working 24-7 in Bangkok for two weeks) and I am about halfway through the 500 miles! I've haven't been running as much seeing it's been 100 degrees and humid since mid-June here.  

I haven't lost much more weight according to the scale, but I think my body has started to change and look more toned and in shape. I feel guilty paying for a trainer and having my gym membership as one of my most expensive bills each month, but I'd never do this on my own.  And like someone said to me when I was signing up (and it kind of stuck with me): There is no better investment than your health.

Here's to being healthy.. and some more regular blog posts!

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