What a week it has been...

Last Sunday I graduated with my Master's degree and had a fantastic weekend with my parents during their visit to Chicago.
Three days later, the Boston Bruins won the Stanley Cup in a thrilling Game 7.
Last night, after more than 20 years of waiting, I realized another dream and finally saw New Kids on the Block in concert! I went to the NKOTBSB concert at the United Center with two friends I met through the Patriots/Red Sox group and we all had a blast. I have fallen in love with Jordan and company all over again!

There really are no words that can appropriately and accurately describe how amazing this show was (and I don't want to give too much away to others who may be going). Both groups sang their hit songs--including my favorite NKOTB hit "Cover Girl" which I used to pretend Jordan was singing to me (although it's really Donnie who sings it)--for a solid two hours with no breaks. NKOTB and BSB rotated songs and sets as well as performed a few songs together. The Kids ended the show with "Hangin' Tough" and all came out wearing Celtics jerseys and to the "Shippin' up to Boston" music before busting into their own hit. Pretty sure Jess, Jo Ann and I were the only one who appreciated that part for every ounce it was worth.
I'm still riding high from that concert.
Hangin' Tough my first cassette tape and I had all the New Kids trimmings--the comforter, the sheets, the books, etc. For my eighth birthday my mom even made me a cake with cut-outs of their faces, taped to toothpicks and stuck in amid the words "Happy Birthday the the Coolest 8-year-old on the Block." I was obsessed (and apparently still am!), kind of like how the tweens are with Justin Bieber these days.

The concert was also great for people-watching. I observed some of the outfits girls were wearing--some brought back the 80's, some dressed to the nines because they actually thought one of the guys would see them and want to date them. It was also interesting to take note of the age group-- there were some younger girls there but mostly women around my age or a little older (a lot who are either married or pregnant now). There were also some women who I couldn't peg their age because of their incessant jumping up and down and screaming... oh wait, that was me.
After tonight, one thing is for sure--NKOTBSB still has the ability to bring out the screaming girl in everyone.
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