I knew buying a half gallon of Edy's double churned ice cream at Target the other day was going to be a mistake. I reasoned that I shouldn't deprive myself and I've done well with portions over the last month. Old habits die hard I guess.
Just so you have a little background: I had a crummy day at work which fed into a larger crummy life day. I also didn't make it to the gym because the Celtics-- who are down 3-1 in this playoff series and not playing all that great-- were on at 6 p.m. and I didn't want to get caught in the severe storms weather.com was warning on their website. So I decided to come home, make a light dinner and wallow in self-pity, all while minding the 500 calories I had remaining in my budget (I ate some leftover snacks in the kitchen at work today which cost me some serious calories).
Fast forward to 7 p.m., my head stuck in the freezer as I shoved the largest spoonful of ice cream ever into my waiting, gaping mouth. I packed the large soup spoon, probably three normal spoonfuls worth, full of ice cream thinking it would be the same amount of calories because it was only one spoonful. Wrong. That's when I had to stop and check myself... after I finished licking the spoon clean of course.
I'd just been freezer burned.
I didn't even have the energy to give myself a stern talking to for what I just did. I knew I did wrong and tried to think of how I could prevent my old self from stuffing my face or slipping up in times of sorrow. Seeing I couldn't exactly lock the freezer or the carton of ice cream, I did this. Hopefully it works:

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