Everyone keeps asking how it feels or if I feel different. The answer is no, not really. I just feel exhausted and can't wait to go home and relax tonight. I think the celebrating will happen this weekend (it's the big St. Patty's ChiRish celebration here) and it will eventually sink in next week when I don't have to go to class, or next month when my friends have to go back to school for spring quarter.
It will really hit me when I get that diploma in the mail. The day I get it, I will be taking it on a bar crawl. One drink for me, and one drink for my really expensive coaster. And then when I walk across the stage for graduation on June 12, it will definitely be official.
But right now, I am just waiting for my official
word that I have passed and am indeed a graduate school graduate. I keep having mini nightmares that I missed something and really am not done. No official celebrating until then, but I did grab a few "I'm done!" drinks with my classmates last night, and joked about burning my AP Stylebook with the table candle. I actually am a total nerd and love that book, so I would never really burn it (however, there are a few books I've collected over the last year and a half that I wouldn't mind taking a lighter to).

While I wait for official confirmation, I am looking forward to the weekend, my upcoming road trip next weekend (which my friend Ally and I will be blogging about as we go along) and work trip to Boston in April.
I just want to thank everyone who's supported me and helped me during the last year and a half, through my midwest move and my master's. I couldn't have done crossed these two things off my Life Bucket List without it. I love you all and can't wait to share a photo of my diploma with you when it comes!
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