Yesterday was one of the best and most fun days ever. I got to ice skate with Evan Lysacek.
My friend works for the private jet company Flexjet, which is what the Olympic gold medalist (and let's not forget Dancing With the Stars runner-up) used to get from DWTS rehearsal to the Smucker's Stars on Ice tour spots. On Saturday, Flexjet rented out a skating rink in Vernon Hills and hosted an event for a few of its customers to meet, greet and skate with Evan (a Naperville, IL native). My friend, knowing how much I love the skater whom me and my roommate fondly refer to as "Prince Charming," invited me to tag along.
Evan is the most down-to-Earth, nicest person/celebrity ever. At times he acted so normal, I forgot he was even famous. He did a Q&A and mingled with the 40 something people who were there. He even brought his real gold medal (which is heavier than I thought it would be!).
I got the chance to talk with Evan and take a few pictures with him and his medal. But the highlight was when he saved me from falling on my ass. I was doing my special move, where I try to stop without falling by crouching down with my elbows tucked in looking much like a ski jumper and also probably a royal idiot. However, it didn't work so well and as I started to fall forward, someone was at my side to help balance me. When I looked and saw it was Evan, I nearly fell over again, this time because, well, it was him. Prince Charming for sure.
We had a couple of other encounters that afternoon, like when he signed a photo for me. When he was finished, I asked if he'd like me to sign something for him in return. He thought it was a great idea, and asked if I could make it out to "Evan... that's E-V-A-N." He is not only handsome, but he also has a sense of humor.
Although it's been almost 24 hours since the event, I still haven't come down from my high of meeting and skating with him. I think he made a lot of peoples' years, seeing he was very personable and sweetly skated with the little kids there. He seemed like he actually wanted to be there and was enjoying himself.
And then I woke up the next day... and realized it wasn't a dream and that it all really happened. Definitely one of the best days ever.
I'm still kicking myself that I missed seeing Evan when SOI blew my way, and you got to skate with the man himself. Lucky woman. The more I read about peoples' encounters with Evan, the more I admire him. Thanks for sharing the experience with us.