I had a feeling the day would go well, as I got to sleep in an extra hour and finally was able to end my pontytail-wearing streak because I was having a Good Hair Day. I was scheduled to spend the day at the office in the suburbs and was looking forward to the change in scenery and pace.
If I had a theme song, or if this were a movie, now would be the time to insert cheesy music in the background.
I bounced to the train, picking up a copy of the RedEye as usual, but this time when I opened to Page 2, I was on it (two of my comments were used in the Blah Blah Bloggers feature). On my way to the Metra, some girl handed me two Fiber One bars--my favorite chocolate chip ones--as part of a street promotion. I hadn't packed a lunch, so this would be a good snack to tidy me over (turns out I didn't need it... they took me out to lunch).
I decided that because it had already been such a pleasant morning, an iced coffee would only make it better. But at Dunkin' Donuts (Massachusetts girl here!), they got my order wrong--they gave me a large instead of the medium I paid for. They didn't care and told me to keep it. Score.
I spent the work day touring beautiful gardens and sipping on mint-infused lemonade (don't worry, I did some actual work). I got home with just enough time to freshen up before meeting my friend Ally for the ChicagoNow first birthday party that night (the RedEye Wrigleyville blog I write for is part of this 300+ blog network).
The party included free appetizers and Goose Island beer. Ally and I sipped on Green Line and 312 while chatting with several of our fellow bloggers (she blogged about her adventures in Vancouver when she was there working the Olympics), but spent extra time chatting with one in particular: Ed Swiderski.

Yes, that Ed. The one Jillian chose on her season of "The Bachelorette."
I never watched his season and had no idea he had a ChicagoNow blog (he writes a technology blog called EdorAlive). We talked for a while about work, blogs, and of course, the Bachelor. He was very charismatic, down-to-earth and friendly (I can understand why he was the last man standing). He told us about his new education foundation GEOTF and invited us to a fundraiser he was having for it Thursday night (but sadly, I already had plans).
I left the party with a little pep in my step thinking of the fabulous day and great night I just had. Cue cheesy music again and roll credits. Tuesday was definitely my day.