To my faithful blog followers (maybe all two of you??)... I apologize for not writing in awhile. School has kicked into full swing (and my ass along with it!). I am behind in paper writing and have projects coming out of my ears. Good news is, I'm getting pretty good with the video camera! I have to register for winter quarter classes soon and I have decided to take just two classes. This will put me off the one-year-completion track, but three classes is stressing me out with all of the work. No wonder taking two classes is considered full-time for a grad student!
Anyways... I wanted to share some fun stories with you from last weekend. My friend Meg came to visit me from Saturday to Tuesday. Here are some of the highlights:
-Saturday night, while wal
king the streets, we stumbled across the Clark/Belmont music street festival... featuring the one and only Vanilla Ice! It was hilarious. He performed for about a half hour (I didn't realize he had enough material for that long, but to be fair he did just shout and spout yells in a raspy voice, perhaps to redefine his image). He sang the classics "Ice Ice Baby" and "Go Ninja" from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movie from back in the day (or as my sister Megan would say, B in the D). Interesting observation, he has a motor home, apparently too broke to afford a tour bus. (Photo: Vanilla Ice rapping on stage)
-Saturday night, while wal
-On Sunday, Meg and I googled and found a couple Patriots and Red Sox bars to spend the Boston-sports filled afternoon. It was so much fun to be surrounded by people wearing the same jerseys and talking about the same crappy suburbs and traffic and so on. And groaning at the same plays. And crying at the same losses. I felt at home (well, as much as a bar can make you feel at home). We're done speaking of last Sunday, the Sox and Pats made sure there was nothing memorable about it other than a double-loss, double-heart breaker.
-On a delicious note (here comes the food part of the post!)... I finally had a C
hicago style hot dog and boy are they delicious!! I am obsessed. Both Meg and I started to crave them for the rest of the weekend once we had our first bites! As I mentioned before, the Chicago hot dogs do not come with ketchup and one is forbidden to put ketchup on it. The list of stuff top include: mustard, onion, tomato, relish, cucumber, pickle spear, celery salt and sport peppers (which are spicy and we both took them off). The owner told me that the sugar in the ketchup takes away from the "salad feel" of the toppings. Just delicious. I'm salivating and craving one as I type this. (Photo: Me threatening to put ketchup on my hot dog.. I didn't and I'm glad I didn't!)
-Sunday night we ventured to the top of the Hancock Tower. The 96th floor Signature Room offers a unique view of the itty-bitty city. And some fabulous mousse cake and overpriced beverages, even if you get soda (like we did). The elevator ride was a solid couple minutes, and ears do pop. I will come prepared with gum next time!
It was sad to bid farewell to my dear friend Tuesday morning. I was a little homesick for the next couple days reliving the fun we had and laughing at pictures we had taken. I take comfort in knowing that I will see everyone soon and it makes me happy (albeit, not for Thanksgiving..sad face).
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