Kelly Clarkson’s song “The War is Over” is all I
can think of to describe how I am feeling right now. While this song is about a breakup, my elation
pertains to my long battle with high cholesterol: the war is finally (almost) over.
Last Friday I participated in a health assessment at work,
and while a chunk of the results haven’t come back, the ones I was interested
in did — cholesterol. And I am more than happy
to report that my cholesterol is now 201 (normal is less than 200)!
I've had high cholesterol since I can remember. When I had
it tested for the first time at age 22, I sat vulnerable in my barely-there,
raggedy patient gown as the doctor told me I was fat. When I started to cry,
she shoved antidepressant samples into my purse and handed me glossy brochures
of cholesterol medications. I refused to take medication despite my cholesterol
being upwards of 260.
Six years later, in March 2011, I was lectured again (minus
the tears). My cholesterol was 241 and
my doctor told me to lose ten pounds before she threatened medication. I began chronicling my battle with high cholesterol and struggle to lose weight on
this blog. Despite best efforts and
seven months of trying, my cholesterol didn't change much.
It wasn't until this past fall spring when my number began
to budge, dropping to somewhere in the 220s. There was still work to do. I stopped eating processed foods and began
cooking more because I enjoyed it and felt better about myself when I did. I began running and working out for the fun
of it, not to lose weight. My pants
started feeling baggier, but the scale didn't budge, so I put it away for a
When I decided to check it a couple weeks ago, I had reached
around 160 pounds (depending on the day, between 162.5 or 160.7) — a weight I
haven’t seen since probably high school. And now, as I continue to stare at my
test results from Friday, I still can’t believe I’m seeing numbers I never
thought I would — 201, thisclose to the normal cholesterol zone.
In my post from March 2011, I wrote: “Here I am, a month before my 28th birthday,
and my cholesterol is still on the move... upwards. I needed to listen and
obey, do whatever I could to fix it.”
Now, here I am a month before my 30th birthday, my confidence
is the only thing on the rise. Although I
still face daily battles — like slightly high LDL cholesterol — I am winning the war.
FINALLY. I guess this is proof that hard
work and determination can pay off (and that it really does take a while if you aren't a celebrity).
Tim McGraw has a song called “My Next 30 Years,” which
is about celebrating his age and focusing on the future. That’s what I’m going
to do. My next 30 years are going to be
great, and what a better way to start than with semi-normal cholesterol.
P.S. Thanks to everyone who has been so supportive and encouraging during this time -- and always. Love you long time.