I forgot how hard it is to train for a half marathon. Yesterday marked two months until the half marathon Erin and I are running in Newport, RI and I find myself questioning whether or not I can do this.
Two weeks ago I switched over to full training mode and started following a 12-week plan I found online. I tried to keep up with the nearly daily workouts, capped by a five-mile long run that weekend. Well, as has happened before, I wore myself out and ended up getting sick (the jury is still out as to whether it was allergies or an actual bug).
This happened last year when I started training as well. Last fall, I was much sicker and missed more than two weeks. This time I missed all week and a long run. It’s very discouraging to get psyched up and start rolling along only to be halted by illness or injury.
With two months to go, I’ve lost a precious week and will once again miss this weekend’s long run because I will be home for my sister's baby shower. I am going to try to squeeze my long run in during the week, but six miles is hard to “squeeze” in after working a full day (if you’re a runner, you know what I mean). Training for a half is a big enough hill to climb, but now I have to try to make up for lost time… all while being mindful of how hard I am pushing myself to make sure I don’t wear myself down to nothing again!
So, the million dollar question is, while training plans look great on paper, what happens when life gets in the way? I guess I’ll find out. If anyone has any tips, please feel free to let me know!
NYR Mileage Update: 206.3 miles to go until I reach my goal of running 500 miles in 2012!