Here comes the season I've been dreading: the holidays. A time for candy, desserts, festive drinks and lots of succulent food. I was confident I could resist it all, but as Halloween came and went, I've found myself popping mini Milky Ways like they were my fish oil pills. I'm ashamed of my lack of will power to resist these little chocolate treats.

This also might be why I am running the Hot Chocolate 5K tomorrow... I'm pretty much solely doing it again this year for the chocolate fondue and hot chocolate party at the finish line. (That's me and Megan after last year's race)
I'm a little worried about how this whole holiday season is going to go with my calorie counting and weight loss challenge. Clearly, I can't even resist chocolate! (my cubicle has become a dangerous place--the other day my cubemate Natalie made mini cupcakes and left them on the desk space in between us).
However, I do have a little inspiration. What could be more motivating than talking to two
Biggest Loser contestants? I had the opportunity to
interview Jessica (who is still kicking butt on the show this season) for my November
Pulse article. And this week I also got to interview Johnny (he was sent home after Week 2) this week for an article for the sister magazine
During the interview, I asked them both how they planned to stick to their guns and new lifestyle during the holiday season. Jessica said she was planning on bringing her own treats and teaching people how she eats (she even gave me a recipe for baked apples she used to make for the other contestants on the ranch--check out the article to see it) and Johnny's straight answer: I'm just going to do it. He said he made the decision to live a healthier lifestyle and he just had to do it, that was all there was to it.
They both spoke with such conviction that it made their choices seem so simple.
Maybe it is that simple. In theory at least. Either way, I'll try to keep their voices in my head as I fill up my plates this holiday season. And maybe in the fondue line tomorrow. I'm sure chocolate dipped marshmallows and banana aren't part of their diets, even if it is after a race.